Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas Ho! Ho! Ho!

So another Christmas has came and went. The kids had a great time. Jaya loved all of their presents but I think she loved the wrapping paper even more. All she wanted to do was eat it. Jaxon loved every minute of Christmas. This is the first year that he really got it. He had a great time decorating the tree, doing the advent calender everyday, and making reindeer food and cookies for Santa. When Christmas was finally here, he was so excited to see the scooter and helicopter that Santa brought him and the big girl car seat for Jaya so she could be just like him. Now it is time to take the tree down and put all the decoration way and look forward to next year.
Jaya's mug shot. I am not a big bow person but I couldn't resist this one for Christmas.
Jaxon loved all the goodies Santa put in his stocking.

On Christmas Eve we sprinkled reindeer food on the yard so that they wouldn't be hungry. We also left a bowl by the door which Jaxon checked to see if it was gone right when he got up Christmas morning.

Jaya eating wrapping paper as she opens her presents on Christmas Eve.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Lights at Calm

We took our annual trip to see the lights at CALM. This year Janice, Brandon, Payton and Abbie went with us. Jaxon had a great time riding the train and carousel, drinking hot cocoa, looking at all the lights, and running around with Payton.

Jaxon running around with Payton. She is a runner. Anytime we go anywhere she is running around fast. Jaxon can never even keep up with her. That girl is going to be a sprinter.
Riding the carousel with mommy. By the end mommy was getting a little dizzy.

The family photo. Of course Jaxon is as photogenic as always.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Daddy's Girl

I thought I would just post these pictures. I just love them. Jaya loves to do Eskimo kisses and have your face pressed against hers. She just smiles and laughs. She is getting so much personality.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Mani and Pedi

Jaxon absolutely HATES to have his fingernails and toenails cut. I usually have to bribe him with a popcicle in order to get him to let me cut them. Well one day I bust out the foot messager to soak my feet in for a bit. Jaxon thought it was the best thing. Of course he wanted to soak his feet. I explained to him that we soak our feet in order to get them ready to cut your toe nails. He was all over it. I didn't even have to bribe him. He loved it. Maybe I didn't need the daughter to got manis and pedis with after all.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Jaya's Thankful for Teeth

Jaya celebrated Thanksgiving this year by getting her first tooth. On Thanksgiving Day she got the center, bottom right tooth. She followed it up the next day by getting her other tooth on the left. Finally an end to the massive drooling, well at least until the next ones come.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

San Diego Trip

For Veteran's Day weekend we decided to take a few days off and head to San Diego for 4 days. It was nice spending time with Aunt Janice and Uncle Brandon and of course Jaxon could not get enough of Payton. While we were there we ate a lot of good food at our local favorites. We also took the kids to the zoo one day and hung out at Balboa Park on another. Jaxon even loved hanging out at the hotel. He liked that our room had his own little room that was attached. It had his own bunk beds and t.v. He loved to hang out in there and watch movies by himself. It was a nice treat for mommy and daddy. Jaya adjusted well to sharing a room with us. She was a trooper the whole time and as always was her easy going self.

Jaxon hanging out with Jaya in the bed. Jaxon loved to lay with her when we were in the hotel.

Checking out the fish pond at the botanical gardens in Balboa Park.

The family picture at the Zoo. Jaya spend most of the day in the front pack just hanging out and sleeping.

Payton and Jax spend the day running from one thing to another. Payton is a bit quicker then Jaxon is. By those two have a lot of energy.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

We started Halloween off this year with the Baker's annual party. Jaya wore an adorable tu-tu and onsie that was made by my neighbor Kim. Jaxon was suppose to be a future fisherman this year. He was that at the Baker's party but when it came to the real Halloween he wasn't having it. He wanted to wear his knight costume from last year. I didn't feel like fighting him so he was both a fisherman and a knight. What do you do?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

So we decided to finally carve our pumpkin we got at the pumpkin patch. Joe and Jaxon set out to do it but it turned out to be a job for Joe. Jaxon wasn't that impressed. He didn't like sticking his hand in the pumpkin to remove all of the seeds. According to him it felt icky and he lost interest fairly quickly. Maybe next year...

Joe's finished product

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin Patch 2008

We made our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch with Janice, Brandon, and the kids. Jaxon picked out one for him and daddy to carve and a small one that he could carry. Jaxon had a great time running around and playing. We look forward to it again next year.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Potty Training

We had a potty training party this weekend. Jaxon and I went to Target on Thursday and loaded up on big boy underwear, salty snacks, and juice boxes for the big event. We started out that weekend by throwing out the diapers and going solely with big boy underwear. I thought this was going to be a lot easier than it was. It took over 36 hours to have one successful attempt to pee in the potty. Needless to say the quick potty training that I had envisioned was not a reality. My son is not one of the Baker boys. We will just keep plugging at it.

**Since we all know I back date I thought I would go ahead and put an update as of January 2nd. Jaxon is doing pretty well when it comes to using the potty. He finally is going both pee-pee and poop in the toilet. It took him a while to master the pooping. I finally had just given up and resorted to wearing pull ups, there was no way I could clean another pair of big boy underwear. Then one day he just got it. Now our biggest potty training issue is figuring out how to get him broken of the belief that everytime he poops in the potty means candy....

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Future Rock Star

Jaxon is obsessed with rocking out. He use the pool sticks, his baseball bat, or whatever he can find to be his guitar. He loves to make up his own songs and sing them. As you will see, his lyrics are limited and he likes to "sing loud." Maybe we have a future musician on our hands. Here is a small clip of his latest work.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Great Kern County Fair 2008

Jaxon was joined by a large group of people including Papa, Nana, Marshall, Melanie, Richard, Carter, Aunt Janice and Payton when we made a trip to the fair this year. He had a great time. He got to ride in a helicopter, ride a pony, see tons of animals, and thanks to Mel he got introduced to cotton candy. All in all it was a great time and he is looking forward to next year.

Riding around in the Bob with Payton.

Nana had connections so Jax got to even get inside the pen with the pigs.

Giddy up cowboy! Jaxon loved riding the pony.
Papa giving Jaxon a lift.
Riding the helicopter with Payton and Aunt Janice.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hanging with the Cousins

Jaxon and Jaya were so excited that Payton and Ethan came from San Diego to hang out for the week. Jaya and Ethan had there first meeting. It is hard to decide which one is bigger. They both are living large. Jax and Payton just love hanging out together. They play so well. They love to play with the train table, Jax's cars, and of course Joe. He chases them around everywhere. The visit was great but we are a little concerned. Now when you ask Jax if he has a girlfriend, his response is that Payton is his girlfriend. Guess we will have to teach him to say no to cousin loving.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Future Bike Rider

For a while Jaxon has not been able to pedal his tricycle. His feet will reach but for some reason he refuses. This drives Joe nuts. For those of you that know Joe, riding is his life. He has this dream that Jaxon will be riding a bike when he is 3. He was starting to lose hope of that dream since Jax only wanted to be pushed. Well, today that all changed. The boy can pedal now. Maybe that bike we are thinking about getting him for his birthday won't be a waste after all.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Cross Dressing Jax

Jaxon was so excited when Aunt Janice gave birth to Ethan. He really felt that there needed to be more boy cousins. The girls greatly out number the boys. It seems that when he gets together with the girls they just want to dress him up and carry him around. What do ya do?

Possible Future For Jaxon?

We were over at the Acosta's house and Jaxon could not get enough of Rock Band. His only disappointment was that it didn't have Wiggles songs. He loved playing with Ensley and Brendon but not so much with his daddy. He went up and told Papa Al that daddy wasn't sharing.

More Words of Jaxon

So once again Joe has taken to teaching Jaxon what Joe considers the finer things in life. I picked Jaxon up from day care on Friday and Camie told me that Jaxon was riding the little bike and when he got off he says, "it's hot, I need a beer." He then turns to his buddy Charlie and says, "Charlie do you need a beer?" Do you think he has seen daddy come home from his rides and drink to many beers? At least he was wanting to share though, right?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

She's a Big One....

Jaya's 2nd Month Check Up Stats:
Weight: 13 lbs, 1 oz (95th percentile)
Length: 24 inches (95th percentile)
She is doing great. She loves to lay under her activity gym and play. Yesterday she got so excited playing she actually yelled out in delight. She also likes swinging in her swing. While in there she is mesmerized by the mobile and the rain forest sounds. She will bust a smile once in a while and is starting to coo a little bit. She will roll over onto her side and acts like she wants to go all the way over but is yet to do so.

Jax's Words of Wisdom

So I have another funny thing that Jaxon says. Jaxon still refuses to use a potty. He will stand there and go poop and then as soon as he is done he says, "get that big turd out and put it in the potty." He thinks he can just dump it in after the diaper and he is all good. Crazy kid. Oh and by the way, we can thank daddy for getting him to call poop turds. Nice....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Is Jaxon Regressing?

They say that when you have a second child the first sometimes will regress and revert to behaviors associated with the younger child. Jaxon has adjusted really well and hasn't seemed to have any issues other than he likes to use Jaya's stuff. He plays in her activity gym, sits in her car seat, wants in the crib with her...but we draw the line at the swing. He keeps asking and doesn't seem to understand that he is entirely to big.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Baseball Anyone?

I just had to post this picture of Joe and Jax playing ball, with Joe's objections. Jaxon has this thing were he wears his baseball cap and he makes Joe wear the army helmet. Joe looks pretty funny doing it but as usual he is a great dad who likes to make his son happy.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Jaya's 1 Month Check Up

Today Jaya went and saw doctor Sykes for her one month check up. When Jaxon was her age he didn't gain weight very fast so I have really been giving it to Jaya to make sure she is gaining enough. I think she has proven that she is like her mother and can easily put on the pounds. When we came home from the hospital Jaya weighed in at 7 pounds and 6 ounces. Exactly one month later she was pushing 10 pounds and 14 ounces. I will say that she also grew 3 inches. This puts her in the 90th percentile for both weight and height. To show the comparison to Jaxon, he was only 9 pounds and 10 ounces at his 1 month.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pismo Beach 2008

After Joe and Jax returned home from Twin Lakes we packed up and headed to the beach the next day. What was suppose to be a 7 day trip, turned into an 11 day one. We just couldn't bear to come home. The weather was great and the kids were sleeping fabulously. Jaya started sleeping 6 to 7 hour stretches at night. I think it was the cool, clean air and the soothing sound of the ocean. Jaxon slept just as well. He would sleep into until almost 9:00. We got spoiled. On top of relaxing we had a great time hanging out at the beach, feeding the animals at the Avila Fruit Barn, eating good food, and hanging out with family.

Jaxon feeding the animals at the Avila Fruit Barn. At first he was a little nervous but he warmed up. He didn't even get upset when the goat nibbled on his finger.

Joe and Jaxon playing in the water. Jaxon loved going in the water so long as his daddy was with him.
Boy would he get sandy. He loved to roll around in it and everything. I guess when you are that age you don't mind as much.
Jaxon loved playing the video games with Karsyn at Klondikes. Karsyn is the best Jaxon entertainer. Joe was so excited that she preoccupied him and he got some time off.
Jaxon had a great time with Karsyn at the beach. They played in the waves and Karsyn was even kind enough to let Jaxon attempt to bury her in the sand.

The nice thing about vacationing with Aunt Nancy is that she is always willing to hold Jaya. When we would go to dinner or anywhere she is the first to volunteer to hold her. She thinks if she makes one little sound that she needs out of the stroller.
When we would be out and about Jaya spent most of her time in the sling. I thought she looked really uncomfortable but as soon as she got in the sling she would always go to sleep. She must have have liked it.