Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jax and Hot Wheels

Jaxon got a Hot Wheels themed Easter basket this year. He is obsessed with cars which he learned to play with at his Papa David's house. Joe and him love to play with the cars. I am not sure who gets more more excited about the Hot Wheels. Joe gets frustrated though because Jaxon likes to hit the "GO" before Joe has all the cars set up for the chain reaction. I have to remind Joe that technically they are Jaxon's toys. I am attaching a video of them playing. Take notice in the video, Jaxon continuously refers to himself in the third person. It is always, "Jax do it" or "Jax hungry" or "Jax help". He hasn't quite got the hang of pronouns yet. You also see that he is still calling Joe by his first name. We are making some progress though. After calling him Joe if you ask Jaxon what is his name he will say Dada. However though, he then turns around and says Joe again. Maybe someday.


The Stovalls said...

Welcome to the blogging world. Soon people who see Jaxon on a regular basis will be bugging you to update your blog and the out of towners will probably never look!

The Stovalls said...

PS. I love the "rock on" family photo. That is what we say everytime one of the kids raises a fist in the air.

Sharol said...

Hey Jana! I love your blog. Jax is so cute. We need to come over and play!

The Stovalls said...

SLACKER!! You can't start a blog and then not update it!!!!!

Awburn Sedillo said...

Oh my gosh I jsut realized that you had a blog :) I'm glad now i can keep up with you guys too!!

LeAnnie said...

So cute....gotta love it!